Merry Christmas and a Merry New Year as well!
Don't tell me I'm late as I'm not! Have you not heard The Twelve Days of Christmas? :P
This year's Christmas was the least Christmasy one I felt. No allowance=No impulsive buyings=Restricted=No fun! So Christmas shopping was mostly about buying clothes which hopefully can be worn for both casual outings and work in future.
Here's something that I like and but did not get due to the functionality problem that comes with it. The price was considered average, RM100+ and everything about it was good except for the fact that I need to open up the whole thing and be naked (almost, excluding bra!) if I wanted to do business in the toilet. Yes, it's a jumpsuit -_-"
Complement my body, doesn't it?
Did I mention I found a bag that I kinda love from Miss Selfridge!? L.O.V.E. not LIKE k! And this Miss SLK gotta pick that particular bag as her birthday present :( Sengaja lah! I want that bag! I wish I could shit money out my ass! Sigh. Now I've got to stare at the bag whenever she uses it when I'm around. It's so so difficult to find bags that I like :(
A little update on what I did on Christmas eve and the day itself. I slept the night away on Christmas eve. Haha. Then supper at Chili's with darlings followed by movie on Cristmas day. You guys should go watch Ip Man! I'm so in love with Donnie Yen!! XD
Noticed my lack of updates? I'm blogging for the sake of keeping my blog alive. Am so lazy! And in order to not offend anyone with things that I write, less writing is the solution! :P Pray that my writing skills don't karat and my mood comes back alright.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Be Merry, Be Jolly
Posted by
12/30/2008 08:51:00 pm
Labels: Daily Events, Festives and Birthdays, personal, Places and Events, random, Shopping
My parents are one of the many people who see the importance of education in one's life. This may be due to the fact that they did not get the chance to study all they want as they need to work to help out in the family at a very young age. So no matter how much sacrifices required, they are willing to make just in order for their children to get the required education. Education is definitely a stepping stone towards a better living.
Technologies are really amazing! Now we can learn with the help of internet. This means, no time and money wasted to travel from one place to another just to attend tuition class and money spent on buying additional books can be saved. You can get all this from a site called Brightstorm.
Brightstorm is an online learning site that provides great courses for high school students. Knowledge are spread through online videos. Some subjects provided in this website are Geometry, Algebra, Writing and so on. Learning through this website is different from learning in schools. You get interactive learning experience and sufficient materials to help you understand more on the subjects.
Try out this method of studying and you will sure enjoy it. Sign up for a free brightstorm account now!
Posted by
12/30/2008 11:13:00 am
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Look what I found while going through my folders! Little Kobe who is apparently not so little in size anymore caught in the act! These pictures has been awhile and she definitely has grown quite a lot since then.
I remember I was calling out for her inside the house when I heard some noise outside the house and I found her with a flower pot near my mom's car. The more I call for her, the worse the situation gets. So I end up taking photos of her instead :D
Trying.... trying.... trying......
Nothing is impossible for her
As usual, after awhile she got bored of it coz I tak layan. Haha.
Sexy back
Here's another picture of Kobe while she was sight seeing from the balcony of sis's bf's condo. Yeah, we seludup her in XP
She sure love the height
Posted by
12/27/2008 10:28:00 am
Labels: Pets
Thursday, 25 December 2008
I visit Brokeville more than any friends around me. Sigh. No fun! If only Brokeville would blacklist me from going there. Ban me from there. Never ever allow me to enter anymore. This is not happening. *slaps* Wake up Hun! Stop dreaming and clean up the mess in Brokeville!
Posted by
12/25/2008 02:18:00 am
1 lollipops
Labels: Daily Events, Emo, personal, random
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Glamorous What!
Date: 2 December 2008
Theme: Glamorous
Location: My house, One U then outside My house
This time was a surprise. Charlene called and told me that she's back in KL and I claimed that she was fooling around with me AGAIN. Yes, there were times that she will purposely call me up all the way from Australia to ask me to get dressed as she's on her way to fetch me along to One U! -_-" Anyhow, this time she was serious. An emergency trip back to Malaysia. Let's not get into her personal life. It's restricted to some of us only :P
We had our chat-gossip-shop-crazy-meet up on the day in between my first and my second paper exams! Blame it on the price of the air ticket that she needs to go back so soon. So, she had a theme for our outing -_-" Glamorous! SLK and I were shocked to hear that. We were supposed to be having dinner together only, what's with the theme right? Anyhow, we gave in.
We shopped, we walked, we ate at Chili's and we went back. Charlene was in her super cute MNG shirt which I fell in love with, vest, jeans and her very glamorous new bought heels *super gorgeous* and I was wearing my XOXO tube top *loves*, shorts, long cardigan and a new heels from Charlene whereas SLK was wearing her brand new skinny jeans, flats and the Zara top we bought for her last year's birthday! Glam? Yes. But end up with blisters alright! We can barely walk by the end of the day :(
As usual, we did our "thunder" dance in her car when we reach my house. It's a tradition! LOL. We have forgotten to take pictures throughout the day and only take it in the car. Mostly are pictures of SLK and I coz Charlene was busy on the phone. Pictures are all dark due to bad lighting and this is all I could do to adjust it. Sigh.
Take One
Take Two
Take Three
Ok. She's finally done!
This has got to be the nicest one
I look bad! But who cares?! This is the only picture of all three of us together that day.
And here's my favourite!
So scandalous right??? LOL
We will be having such fun with Liz soon. Very soon! *yay*
Posted by
12/17/2008 01:11:00 am
Labels: Daily Events, Fashion and Trend, Friendship, Gatherings, personal, Places and Events, Shopping
Personalized Holiday Gifts
So many December babies around. So many birthdays. So many gifts need to buy. It is a difficult task to decide what to buy for each of them. And now Christmas is just around the corner?! Gosh, more things to think about. What to buy? What to buy? *scratches head*
I think something personalized should do the trick. It shows how thoughtful you can be. Here are a few personalized holiday gifts that I found on Pexagon:-
1) Personalized Thumb Drives, where you can store pictures of your love ones. What is so personalized about this? Well, you can actually engrave the recipient's name on it through custom laser engraving and it is absolutely free!
2) Personalized Pens with 3 unique styles. Free line of personalized laser engraved text is also available for this item.
3) Business Card Flash drives that would make a perfect gift for dad, boyfriends or other working friends. You can choose to engrave some text on the front of it and there's a small hidden USB cable at the back of it. How cool is that!
4) Wooden USB Flash Drives that is very much environment friendly that suits friends whoa re environmental conscious!
There are personalized gifts available enough for everyone! Best of all Pexagon is offering 20% off for the above items until the end of the year. Make a quick move now!
Posted by
12/17/2008 12:23:00 am
Labels: Festives and Birthdays, Reviews, Shopping
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Celebration Is Optional
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to both of us!
2 years, not to say long, not to say short. Some things are better felt than say. Some things just words could not used to describe. Expressiveness is what I lack. Happy moments is what I kept. Let's hope for the both of us to have many more to gain till our brain explode with joy o.O
Wish him by clicking HERE!
One the other hand, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the tiny one :P
Birthday wish of course is to pass your exams dengan cemerlang! You are now as YOUNG as I am. I'm glad!
Posted by
12/16/2008 01:41:00 am
Labels: Festives and Birthdays, Friendship, Love and Relationship, My Boy, personal
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Things To Do After Exam a.k.a NOW
.: Recover my certs. Lost it. Have no idea how to get back my SPM and ACCA part 2 cert :( By any chance anyone of you out there can help me out?
.: Spring clean. Quarter way through.
.: Write my CV. No idea how I want it to be yet since cert also sudah hilang.
.: Apply for jobs.
.: Get a haircut soon. Will leave it long this time but still need to trim it.
.: Exercise! LOL. OK, this is a tough one.
.: Shop for working clothes. With limited budget.
.: Read. Magazines :) Anyone who owns a library at home and willing to lend me their fiction story books?
.: Blog. All the super outdated post will be up soon, I hope. Coz I'm lazy. Hehe.
Hmm, will update this list if I can think more.
Posted by
12/14/2008 01:38:00 am
Labels: Blog, Blogging, Daily Events, personal, random
Saturday, 13 December 2008
There's so much to do after exams. Spring cleaning can never end -_-"
Talked to one of my very good darl today :) Then continue with a small gathering with friends who stay nearby (consider near lar Kepong and Damansara). Feels as though I have not been talking to people besides family members for a very long time. Today feels good. I really miss talking -_-"
I end my day with a glass and a half of Heineken.
I forgot that I missed Heineken and now I remember ;)
Will try to reply comments and Cbox tomorrow *yawn* Sleepy!
Posted by
12/13/2008 03:03:00 am
Labels: Daily Events, Friendship, Gatherings, personal
Thursday, 11 December 2008
My Last Paper
Last day of exam:-
Mom: Did you bring your IC, ID, ruler, pencil, pen, eraser, etc...?
Me: Yes!
Truth: Yes!
At the end of the exam:-
Mom: Went well huh? Since you're smiling and all.
Me: No. I'm smiling coz I'm looking at Kobe.
Truth: Yes. I'm telling the truth again.
Wait till you see my conversation with some friends after the exams -_-"
Posted by
12/11/2008 10:07:00 pm
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
My Second Paper
Second day of exam:-
Dad in charged of fetching me to the college this time.
Dad: Let's go!
Me: Ok.
Truth: OK.
Mom called -_-"
Mom: Remember to bring IC, ID, calculator, pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, etc.....
Me: It's all in my bag.
Truth: It is all in my bag.
At the end of exam:-
Mom: How did it go?
Me: Well, I prepared the most for this subject. There's no one question that I can answer confidently but I wrote what I can write.
Truth: I was telling the truth lor!
Posted by
12/10/2008 09:55:00 pm
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
My first paper
First day of exams:-
Mom: Write quick quick! Don't know how to do also write!
Me: Yea. Yea.
Truth: Yes, I always do that. I write a lot even when I don't understand the requirements of the questions.
Mom: Faster! If you reach there late, it's not going to be my problem!
Me: Ok. Not your problem. And we won't be late.
Truth: Nevermind if I'm late. I don't mind arrive at the minute the 3 hours and 15 minutes ends.
Mom: Did you check? Are you sure you brought everything you need?
Me: Yes.
Truth: Yes.
At the end of the exam:-
Mom: How was it? Know how to do?
Me: No.
Truth: NO!
Posted by
12/09/2008 09:35:00 pm
Pass on the savings!
I hate cleaning! I really do! But I love living in a clean environment. If only I could afford a maid to clean the house for me right now. But too bad, not so soon. I hope that day will come soon enough.
Cleaning is not to say a difficult task to do on a daily basis if we are all provided with the appropriate and sufficient cleaning equipments and machines. However if you happen to stay under the same roof with a bunch of stingy people like the ones at my house here, then I'm not surprised to hear you complaint as well. My sisters and I are a big fan of the latest cleaning machines available in the market. Not only it gives you the I'm-living-in-a-modern-house feeling, it also helps you big time in the cleaning process.
Compare the time you spend sweeping the floor and the time you spend using a vacuum cleaner. You will soon notice the amount of times you have wasted everyday. Besides, the vacuum cleaner definitely cleans better than the broom stick alright! That is why I find machines like the vacuum cleaner and washing machine to be a long term investment. No matter how expensive it can be, it will sure be worthwhile to purchase it. is having an online promotion now. Vacuum cleaners bags belts filters brushrolls machines are all available at a discount of 10%. Quickly log onto the site and enter the code EZVCAC10 to apply the discount on any order over $20.00.
Posted by
12/09/2008 09:11:00 pm
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Whoever Listens To Themselves?
I shall not whine.... I shall not whine........... I shall not whine............... I shall not whine.... at least not here.......
Since when did I ever listen to myself? WTF! Life is a chore that I don't enjoy doing. A lil push is needed at times. But push too hard and bare the risk of breaking me up. Fragile? No. Delicate is more like it. Nobody does the pushing better than oneself. But who the hell likes to push themselves? Not me alright. So, here I lay dead for days or even weeks doing almost nothing every single day. Soulless. Don't think anyone could understand if you have not experienced it yourself. You may think you do, but I assure you that you don't. I only plan to fail, so I fail with pride -_-" Negative vibes surrounding me.
Speak my language if anyone wants to talk. I speak a language of my own. Don't even try to open your mouth if you can't. Be invisible if you must. If anyone of us doesn't worth anybody's time, don't mention it. Just disappear!
Gastric.Insomnia.Discouraged.Down. For about TWO fucking weeks already! I should eat. Bye!
Posted by
12/04/2008 09:24:00 am
Labels: Daily Events, Emo, personal, random
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, Mom!
I know I've not been real nice to you these days. Blame it on the exams and PMS -_-" Anyhow, I'm sure you know how much I love you.
If dad would have given me my allowance, we could go out and celebrate tomorrow (sis is sick of me telling her that. Hehe). So now, we might just have a belated celebration then. Sigh~
Happy Birthday to BadBoyVincent too!
Let's just get it over with ACCA and get on to the boring, tiring, aimless working world :P May you pass all the papers this December! Semoga bahagia too :P
Posted by
11/25/2008 01:47:00 am
Labels: Family, Festives and Birthdays, Friendship
Holiday Glass Frames from Zenni Optical
Remember the popular online eyeglasses shop that I mentioned few posts earlier? Besides the well known $ 8 Complete Rx Eyeglasses, there are now Holiday Glass Frames from Zenni Optical. Doesn't that put a smile on your face? Christmas is coming real soon and a pair of new glasses that matches the holiday spirit will definitely add some spark in the celebration. Shop on!
Posted by
11/25/2008 01:16:00 am
1 lollipops
Labels: Fashion and Trend, Health, Reviews, Shopping
Monday, 24 November 2008
Pathetic Gila Babi!
Walaueh, I think I'm shopping deprived now! It's so serious that I browse through online shops and blogs almost everyday now. I don't even want to study anymore. Alright, that is just an excuse and I memang don't want to study already coz it makes me sick. So sick that I want to vomit only by looking at the notes :(
Anyways, I find myself very pathetic shopping online coz shopping physically shops in real life is trillions times more fun than this. But just because I have not been getting any allowance since I don't even remember how long already a.k.a no extra money to waste, and I'm too guilty to go out from the house since I have not been studying much these few days, I end up solely browsing and LOOKING through the web and admire how thin those girls are and how nice they look wearing the clothes and bringing those bags. Why don't God make us all the same size?! Yea, WTF!
When I'm bored with looking at local girls and local products, I surfed for overseas branded stuffs -_-"
I am pathetic sungguh! Sigh~
Posted by
11/24/2008 02:00:00 am
Labels: Daily Events, Education, Emo, Lifestyle, personal, random, Shopping
Saturday, 22 November 2008
I'm a HERO
Or rather Heroine? Whichever!
I just killed a cockroach in my room!! Spray. Spray. Spray lots and lots of Shieldtox. Yea, yea, I know it's not good for the environment and all. But the cockroach is the type that can fly and it's big in size! How not to kill it with that.
Anyhow, what's important is I saved the day. Sisters and I despise flying insects! Dirty! Dirty! Yuck*
Posted by
11/22/2008 02:06:00 am
Labels: Experience, Family, random
Friday, 21 November 2008
Princess Bride Games
The festive season is near! Christmas is near! New Year is near! Chinese New Year is near! Hip hip hooray!! This signifies not only the holidays but also the time where you get to receive lots of presents as well as giving to those you love :)
However when it comes to what to give who, I always end up scratching my head. Stress over what to get for each and every one of my love ones. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. What was supposed to be a happy time shopping to buy presents turn to be a stressful and unhappy thing to do. We are spoiled with literally unlimited choices of things that we could get which sometimes make us think twice or even more times before making any purchase.
Games could be the thing for you among all the things that you want to buy for friends and family. Games is not something that only young children will value but also adults who enjoy getting nostalgic over the games that they once used to play. Here is one particular game that you might interest you. Remember the movie the Princess Bride? Well, they came out with a 5 pack of Princess Bride PC/MAC Games that is going to be this holiday hit game! This Princess Bride Game might just be the perfect gift for your children, friends, and even elder family members who likes to sit back and relax playing a game that is sure to be fun!
Posted by
11/21/2008 07:04:00 pm
Curry Chicken Bun @ Seremban
Sis's bf bought us a big big Curry Chicken Bun from Seremban some time back. One that is bigger than my face!
It is not easy to eat this bun. We had to go through a few steps in order to get it into the able-to-eat state -_-" First you need to cut the bun open in order to get to the curry. Mom initially passed us the butcher knife @_@
Since the inside of the bun sticks to the aluminum foil that wraps the curry, we had to use our hands to open it. Make sure your hands are clean! Cleanliness is of vital importance to prevent from getting food poisoning.
There's another layer of plastic inside the aluminum foil. Cut the plastic open and Voilà ! Curry chicken and potatoes!
It's time to eat now. Grab the bread at the sides, dip in, put in your mouth and chew. We finished the bread but did not even touch the meat in there. Hehe. As for the curry, there's nothing special about it. Tasted a bit too sweet and not spicy at all. Fail! The curry tasted a lil like Malacca kind of cooking -_-"
More information on the location to get this bun, click HERE.
Posted by
11/21/2008 05:05:00 pm
Labels: Food Reviews
Thursday, 20 November 2008
The Naked Brothers Band: Operation Mojo
I've always loved musicals. Nothing can beat a movie with good singers/actors, good music, good dance move and basically good vocals. That is the reason I can never get bored of watching Greese no matter how many times I've watched it. Never! Ever! You air it, I'd watch it :)
However, there are more modern musicals produced nowadays. What's next after High School Musical 3? There's The Naked Brothers Band: Operation Mojo!! This TV movie starring the Wolff brothers- Nat Wolff and Alex Wolff will be aired on this Saturday, 22 November 2008 at 8pm. There is also a live chat session with Nat and Alex as part of their new premiere. Keep track of time and make sure not to miss it!
The brothers are also talented in song writing and singing that they write and sing their own songs in the movie. Watch it and judge yourself on how good are they in their work.
I don't want to spoil it by letting you know what the movie is about. But here's something else for you though. By watching the movie, you will get the answers to these questions:-
1) What do they do?
2) Who is attached?
3) How losses his mojo?
4) How did he lose it?
5) How did he regain it back?
I bet there will be a whole lot of interesting stories in between those answers to the questions.
Posted by
11/20/2008 03:48:00 am
Letter MEME
A tag that only requires cut and paste is one that I will do. Hehe.
Do the "Letter MEME". Tag no less than 5 other people, and leave them a comment, informing them that they have been tagged. Then copy the "How-to" Letter Meme, and finish your Journal entry.
-> How you do the Letter Meme:
Dear ________(the last person who left a comment on your blog/journal):
I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___. I think I realized it ___2___ ___3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___ .
-Your name-
Basically just fill in the blanks on top based on the answers you are gonna choose below. ( I will put my result at the bottom of this entry =) )
1. What's the color of your shirt?
Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month?
January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kebab - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife
4. What's the color of your socks?
Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out
5. What's the color of your underwear?
Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?
Scrubs - Man
O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - High
House - Scared
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now?
Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - That Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That your pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this.
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?
White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader-poster
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - How awful I've felt
Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name?
A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name?
A/B -
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink?
Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?
Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain
Dear Alan Tan:
I don't really know how to tell you this, but our horoscope doesn't match. I think I realized it that night with George Bush and his wife and I saw you knock out Manchester United's goalkeeper. I'm sure you're Middle-class enough to understand that we're cousins. I'm returning the pictures from LA to you, but I'll keep the oil stocks as a memory. You should also know that I told in my confession today about Oprah Winfrey imitations.
In pain,
I tag:
Crazyfool, Jerome, Joshua, Wenzi, Marcus, Alan
Posted by
11/20/2008 03:07:00 am
Flat Belly Diet
This is what said in my previous post.
"I wake up, I shit, I pet the dogs, I eat, I study, I eat, I pet the dogs, I study, I eat, I study, I eat, I study, I eat, I study, I watch tv, I feed the dogs, I eat, I bathe, I study, I online, I study, and then I sleep."
Have you not notice how many times I eat in a day? That is just a random figure, and I bet I eat more frequent than that! Now, the question that might pop into your mind could be "This lady here is not worried about gaining excessive weight and getting so fat that she wouldn't look good in any clothes at all?" Well, the answer is YES! I am worried, but the laziness in me got the best of me.
This happened too often to me. Weight gaining is nothing new to me. I always end up getting depressed when I get too fat. I get fat even when I don't eat as much as other people. I blame it on the genes.
Everyone has their own "worst part" of their body where most of the fats accumulate. Mine is the stomach area. I never seem to be able to get rid of the fats even at times when I lose weight.
Then I came across Flat Belly Diet that claims to be able to help you lose up to 15 pounds in 32 days with no exercise required. Now, that's something to be happy about. Why effective can it be? I have yet to try it, but do check out the website to learn more about it.
Posted by
11/20/2008 02:43:00 am
Bitch Fight Video!
It has been awhile since I last blogged. I have a very restricted life now a.k.a NO LIFE!
I wake up, I shit, I pet the dogs, I eat, I study, I eat, I pet the dogs, I study, I eat, I study, I eat, I study, I eat, I study, I watch tv, I feed the dogs, I eat, I bathe, I study, I online, I study, and then I sleep.
Note: To the part where shitting is concern, it is all up to whether I am capable of doing so for that day. One of my PMS symptoms is to constipate, which is so annoying and san fu! Fruits do no good to me at all. Ugh~
I eat and snack so many times in a day for like, everyday! By the end of my exams, you can label me as a pig already! :(
I feel so sick everyday being inside the house. It is really getting into my head like a virus. I can't sit still or concentrate on my studies anymore and my mind tends to wander really far. Why I said far? Well, apparently it took trips to UK and Australia once in awhile -_-" Adui, I feel so pathetic already lar! God please help me. I don't want to study anymore and I don't feel like working as well *boohoo*
The only entertainment left is my favorite bitch dog, Kobe! You should really watch this video. I think she thinks she's human coz she always try to converse with us at home with different sound of barking. So so cute!! *I have no idea how and if I can rotate the image or not*
Posted by
11/20/2008 01:26:00 am
Labels: Daily Events, Diet, Lifestyle, personal, Pets, random
Friday, 7 November 2008
Zenni Optical On Fox
Zenni on Fox! Yes, Zenni Optical was on FOX news! Well, that sure is not something that we often see in Fox news. That explains how amazing Zenni Optical is. Practicality, design and variety of colours are some of the aspects consumers look for when they were to purchase a new pair of glasses.
The idea of getting a Great Eyeglasses For Less put a definite smile on the faces of potential buyers like you and me (if I ever need one).
Variable Dimension Frames From Zenni is something they can be proud of. You are able to get single vision lens, sunsensor lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens all in one place!
Posted by
11/07/2008 01:54:00 am
Labels: Fashion and Trend, Health, Reviews
Thursday, 6 November 2008
My Own Penyakit
I'm going to take a break from the antedate posts. Lazy to edit pictures and all coz I am supposed to be studying at this very moment. So I'll try to make this a quick update. TRY, coz I always end up babbling too much! Haha. My own penyakit bebel! -_-"
Every normal and abnormal event that has happened for the past few months completely drained me of all strength! Must have been the damn exam that is coming really soon. 1st December, first paper. Sigh. It must be the guilt and the laziness that causes all these. You know how it's like to know that you should be studying, but you're not coz you're too lazy to. And you know that you shouldn't be lazy, but you just can't help it. It is all my own penyakit as well. I'm be considered lucky if I happen to pass one paper this time :)
Oh yea, missed the Guinness Draught Fans Get Together.Thanks for the offer Alan! I've not tried Guinness yet, so I'm not sure if I will be a fan. Hehe. I wouldn't mind people spending me though. LOL. Think everyone will be happier if GAB organised it (free drinks *cough*):P Maybe next time, when I don't have class and I don't feel too awkward! :D
Ciao, I'm off to go kiss my notes now! If only knowledge could be transferred through saliva! *yuck, I know!*
Oh yea, congrats to Mr. Obama :D
Posted by
11/06/2008 12:58:00 am
Labels: Blog, Blogging, Friendship, Gatherings, personal, Places and Events, random, studies
Monday, 3 November 2008
CRS To Help Your Company
Owning a car is not solely about driving it and that's it. There's much to think about and deal with if you own a vehicle. It is already so troublesome for an individual to own one car. Can you imagine those companies who provide cars to their mobile employees? There would be so many cars to deal with. I'm sure every company would rather spend their time on productive works rather than on the management of vehicle reimbursement. Therefore, they can outsource this job to external parties that are specialized in this area.
Car allowance is significant for many. Corporate Reimbursement Services, Inc. (CRS) is a management consulting firm that administers highly flexible and customizable vehicle reimbursement programs for companies. CRS is responsible in conducting an analysis for each driver to calculate a fair, accurate and defensible reimbursement. This reflects on the geographic cost variances, territory conditions and the actual number of business miles driven.
As a plus point, CRS also provides guidance on how best to educate and train "high-risk" drivers to operate their vehicles more safely for the sake of themselves and the company. Check out their website for more information that could help you to decide their advantages.
Posted by
11/03/2008 12:47:00 am
1 lollipops
Labels: Business and Work, Car, Reviews
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Wong Kok Char Chan Teng, SS2
Continue with my antedate post. Here's one on Wong Kok Char Chan Teng at SS2. Spicy-B and I went over for a late dinner after our 'shopping' trip to Matta Fair. That's the day we bought our Lang Tengah package :)
Wong Kok Char Chan Teng offers Hong Kong style food and I don't think I need to elaborate in details about it as the restaurant has already made its name known to the public.
Like any other proper restaurants, they separate the smoking area from the non-smoking ones. Where did we seat? Of course the non-smoking section! Duh! I can never understand how smokers can sacrifice to sit on hard plastic chairs just to smoke instead of sitting comfortably on the sofas inside the restaurant @_@
I don't frequent such restaurants as I never liked the taste of Hong Kong food. But I've made my share of visits to Kim Gary long time ago. So everything offered in this restaurant is very much familiar to me. These types of restaurants are all the same. Creativity is something they don't have, I must say.
According to Spicy-B, the ready-placed cutleries were something new. They used to bring the utensils needed to us when they serve the food. But now, it is all ready at the table even before you order.
Drinks and food on the way.............
Yes, Ying Yong (not sure the spelling) is the only drink that I order there (and also any other Hongkie restaurant). I usually take it hot and without sugar but this time I shared with Spicy-B and he liked it cold, I guess. I have tried some chocolate drink from this restaurant the first time I went there and it was yucky! So to be safe, order this drink and no other!
Spicy-B being very himself, he had Cheese Baked Rice.
You have a few options on the sauces you want to go with the rice. He picked the Portuguese sauce. I find this kind of rice to be very jelak to eat. Not my type of food.
I don't consume rice if possible. I always opt for noodle when I eat out. Rice is something I will crave and eat occasionally :) So I had BBQ Honey Pork Noodle. So much better than his rice! Haha. The pork is not too sweet. Not too bad. The mee kinda tasted like wantan mee.
Here's something extra for us. Sausages! I love sausages, but not the sweet type. I supposed those sweet ones are called Taiwanese sausages? Anyways, these small little sausages are the sweet type :( But, as they are still sausages and I was really hungry at that time, it tasted much better at that moment. LOL.
* Price not stated as I couldn't find the receipt.
Posted by
11/02/2008 02:01:00 am
Labels: Food Reviews, Love and Relationship, My Boy
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Carlsberg And Football
My dad loves Carlsberg because that is one of his favorite beers, while I love Carlsberg mostly because of their creative advertisement. Their easy-going advertisements never fail to amuse me. I love what I've seen so far. They have successfully plant their brand in the heart of many consumers.
Carlsberg doesn't just stop there. Carlsberg Brewery now launches a Web-TV channel that is all about football and fan life. This is so cool especially to those fanatic football fans out there. You can catch 5 channels that also consist of video clips about football funnies and rituals at
Be sure not to miss this! Here's your chance to upload your own favorite football moments!
Posted by
11/01/2008 01:00:00 am
Labels: Entertainment, Reviews, TV Series
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Fugly Professional Haircut
I complained almost everyday that my hair is getting too long and messy for me to handle.
Now I regret for complaining. My "before" hairstyle looks so much better now. I really hate my new haircut. Stupid hair stylist never listens to their customers. Professional konon!
My hair now is damn fugly! I don't even look into the mirror as often anymore. All pictures taken on the day I got my hair cut. The current state of my hair is far worse than these!
Side view
The fringe drops down covering my eyes. Yes, I now have the old mushroom head style. The difference is the current one is much uglier than the one I used to have when I was young. Plus, I am too old to be a mushroom head lar!
Back view
The picture above saddens me the most. I can spot some baldness there *sobs*
Yes, I hate my hair!
The ugly hair spoiled those pictures taken in Bukit Cahaya the next day :(
I almost didn't want to go last Sunday!
BigJeff: Hey, tomorrow want to go Bukit Cahaya?
Me: Don't want! I cut my hair dy. So ugly. I don't want to see anyone!
BigJeff: Aiya, nothing wan la. Tomorrow 7.30am I fetch you.
Me: Don't want la.
BigJeff: 7.30 fetch you! Later I will go yumcha near your place, I stop by tell you the details.
Me: No need. You purposely want to come today to laugh at me first!
And so I went.
Posted by
10/22/2008 11:51:00 pm