Woohoo~ We made if to the Terry Fox Run 2007 !!!
Although there has been a difficulty in waking up at 7am, but it's all worth it!
The 2006 T-shirt surprisingly looks better than this year's one in real life. Hehe. Looks like it's not a bad thing that they ran out of certain sizes, eh? Check out the 2006 T-shirt..
Don't run away. Run with us.
The running I can do, even if I have to crawl the very last mile
Good for us that we drove to the Lake Gardens instead of taking the public transport. I don't think any of us would have any energy left to walk all the way to take a train back. No stamina lar.. Despite the fact that they have limited parking spaces available, we were able to find one in almost an instant. Not bad, it was a good start..
The blur looks on our faces. On the way to the Lake Gardens
However, the parking space that we found were not exactly in the Lake Gardens. But it's near enough, at the opposite road where Tugu Negara is. So we still have to walk across to where the assembly area was. Let's just consider that as our early warm up session =)
Semangat to run to the assembly area..I want to be the first there...Fast!!
Wow, you should be there to see the crowd! There must be hundreds of participants this year, both Malaysian and non-Malaysian. You can see different races and people from many other countries. *I like* I was so excited to see so many people gathering together that I feel like starting the run immediately. Getting adrenaline rush even before the run starts, I think. Hehe. *Paiseh, my first time in such run unless school marathon counts*
o_O Wah, so many people! Can't be the first...-_-"
Waited there for maybe 1 or 2 minutes before they start off with the "Which company/school can scream the loudest" contest. It bet it was just a way to thank those who donated quite a big lump sum of money. The winners get to take home some trophy, if not mistaken.
The three great participants. Haha...
To make sure that we don't stretch any of our muscles during the run, they invited those trainers from Fitness First to lead us in the aerobics. I so heart aerobics! The beat, the moves, the coordination, I just can't resist. We were moving attentively along with them. We have good coordination skills =) Well, not all of us though. EatAllYouCanShung were struggling to follow up the moves. The grin on his face made SlowCatchUpKuan and I laughed like some silly women, blocking others who were happily doing their aerobics. There's no need to wait for the run to start to sweat. We were already sweating after the aerobics. Ahh...aerobics was so much fun! Obviously the organisers thought that wasn't enough for warm up, so they had this group of girls on the stage doing what seemed like a mixture of Malay and Indian dance. How weird can that be?! I dare not say all, but most of us can't follow that weird kind of exercise =P
After the crap, about 9am they start the run!! The ones cycling left the track first followed by the rest of us.
Start/Finish point.. Ready, get set, goooo........
Some were cycling, some were rollerblading, some brought along their scooters, some were just walking, some jogged and there were many families that brought along their kids. Oh, I forgot to mention that there were babies as well! So cute. So cute!!
The Terry Fox Run 2007
It was a meaningful event, you actually benefits a lot from it. It's for Family and Charity. It's great to see those families bonding in such a healthy event. For those who doesn't know *is there any?*, walking is a good form of exercise. Jogging as well. Ok, let's include cycling and rollerblading too. Hehe. So, it was for Charity, Family, Health, Awareness, etc.
Run baby girl, run....
The pathway in the Lake Gardens is not wide enough to enable many of us to jog. So, we walked. That is also because EatAllYouCanShung and SlowCatchUpKuan are old now. *Tak larat* =P But I did see many senior citizens who jogged until the finish line. o_O I'm confused.
Anyhow, we did jog for a while there when we get the chance. I'm proud of us! =) We were also given a choice whether to take the shorter route or the long one. Without second thoughts, we chose the long route of course. Uphill we went! Jogged up for a while there to show off a little because the volunteers were cheering for us. "Looking good!". "You can do it!". "This is supposed to be fun. Jog". See, how could we disappoint them, right? But the jogging uphill did not last till the end. We brisk walked all the way to the end. I, of course being the youngest among the three, have the most stamina, I walked a bit too fast and dumped both of them behind. Haha. *Sorry lar*
Almost reach the finish point...Already cooling down..
Finished the run!! Woohooo~~~~
The happiest moment was when we reached the finish point. The satisfaction that we had, it's indescribable. Hungry runners need to eat too, so we went to get free bread that they were giving out. Too bad they ran out of Milo before we were able to get even one cup. Blame it on those limited supply and also on our unwillingness to queue when the line is long. =P
As were resting our tired legs, there's a family from U.S *I asked them. Hehe.* who were resting as well caught our eyes. It was such a beautiful sight to see them playing with their children. It certainly put a smile on our faces. =)
The beautiful family from U.S with their beautiful children
"Naughty daddy..I'm gonna spank you with my dolly.."
SlowCatchUpKuan wanted to 'buy' a U.S brand baby after that -_-" Secretly I wanted that too. Hehe.*The pictures I took ain't that bad, right?* My favourite is the one below...
Isn't he handsome?! I want him!!!
I'll show the secret to have good-looking kids. Look at the mother (below) and the father (above) of these children. They have both the beauty and handsome genes. *I envy them*
Scary.. baby crying.. but the mom still pushes him to me to take picture -_-"
At the end of the cry only I realized I had blisters at the back of my kaki. *I don't know that's consider heels or what* Very pain! Proven, my kind of Nike shoes were not meant for jogging or long distance walking. Sigh.
We went to Restoran Ful Lai in Manjalara, Kepong for some delicious dim sums as breakfast. I'm contented with today's activities.
Eat me up!
I will definitely go for next year's run, if there is any. By force or not, I'm making my friends go along with me next year! I'm not accepting "Darl, I mau tidur lar.. You go only lar" anymore! *Lame excuse from HungryJess =P* As for the rest of you, make sure to give some support next year =)
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Terry Fox Run 2007
Posted by
11/04/2007 08:35:00 pm
Labels: Food Reviews, Health, Malaysia, Places and Events
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I was there, it was there! But after so much running, didn't feel like eating. Like, bazir only if i ate after burning off some calories. HAHA!
Haha. I thought of the same thing too! But who could resist the tempting dim sums right ;P
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